Rope of Climbing
This 60-‐‑foot length of silk rope weighs 3 pounds andcan hold up to 3,000 pounds. If you hold one end ofthe rope and use an action to speak the commandword, the rope animates. As a bonus action, you cancommand the other end to move toward adestination you choose. That end moves 10 feet onyour turn when you first command it and 10 feet oneach of your turns until reaching its destination, upto its maximum length away, or until you tell it tostop. You can also tell the rope to fasten itselfsecurely to an object or to unfasten itself, to knot orunknot itself, or to coil itself for carrying.
If you tell the rope to knot, large knots appear at 1-‐‑foot intervals along the rope. While knotted, the ropeshortens to a 50-‐‑foot length and grants advantage onchecks made to climb it.
The rope has AC 20 and 20 hit points. It regains 1hit point every 5 minutes as long as it has at least 1hit point. If the rope drops to 0 hit points, it isdestroyed.